how does it work


A Client's Journey with Us

1 | First-touch
With simple communication methods, you can contact us with ease 24 hours a day. Your concerns are important to us and we will respond rapidly. In the event, you would prefer a written request, you could complete the form on the website and we will retrieve it within 24 hours. We will answer your request as soon as possible!
2 | Best Match
After the contact and request has been made, we explore every detail and ask clarifying questions regarding your preferences to serve you best! What kind of an asset are you looking for? What is your budget? Are you ready to start investing? Is there a specific area you would like to focus on? We gather all the necessary information in order to match you with an asset that fits your needs and desires the most.
3 | Search & Rescue
The procurement process has begun. Our research to build you a high-quality portfolio: Manually and electronically scanning projects that will meet your criteria and match your desires. We have a full array of assets from mid-construction, future properties, upcoming, partnerships and so much more! We will curate your entire investing experience from beginning to end acquiring the best assets to build the best portfolio for you and your family.
4 | Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
Now it’s time to make the decision. We will provide a complete portfolio that was custom made just for you! We are very meticulous in sharing every detail and fine print with you! We go over every detail to empower you about your future investment. We want you to be perfectly satisfied with your choice and our expertise. We are willing to do what it takes to ascertain you have the best investment for your legacy, whether short or long term.
5 | A Coal Becomes a Diamond
After we found the suitable asset for your new Turnkey Investment, it is time for us to do our magic! We take the chosen house and we renovate it to perfection; anything from basic utilities, pipe systems, heating facilities, interior design, garden and balcony – we make everything new.
Our professional team will take place of building, replacing, improving and impelmenting anything a real home needs for the upcoming tenant.
It is really breathtaking to see the house before we renovate – and the pearl it becomes afterwards...
6 | Tenant Placement
After we secure your desired investment, we locate and place the best tenant for your property. We want your income to be steady and effortless – so we look for a government-guaranteed rent (Section 8) to ensure solid, on time payments month after month after month.
7 | adminstration
Now it’s time to make this asset your very own. We take care of everything: documents, meeting arrangements, detailed filling, and most important – the involvement of a professional and certified escrow company whose process is transparent and legitimate. With the involvement of the escrow company, we will sign the contract document and hand you over the keys to unlock your future profit. (You can see this full process down the page)
8 | Champagne!
Yes. This is a legitimate and necessary part of the process. Trust us. It's not all bureaucracy and papers – you’ve got to have a little fun in the making!
9 | C'est Tout
That's French for That's It. The place is yours. Congratulations…So now what? Now you start making money… #CASHFLOW
We ALSO offer the following stellar services:
10 | The Aftermath

You are now the owner of a high-quality property (profitable) in Detroit! Let’s start gaining an ROI! Michigan Estate Owl  can do that not just with you but FOR YOU! What can we do for you from now on? What can we offer? 

The answer is : EVERYTHING but here’s a short list below:

A. Coming Soon: Property Management & Care

Since we absolutely love our projects and take them personal – we love to keep them in the best shape at all times. Maintenance is key. We understand that our clients are investors and are not the “boots on the ground” so we do that for you!

This is why we are planning on offering Property Management as well, right after the deal is done – so you will not have to figure it out all alone. We want to be here for you on every step of the way. We will take care of everything, offering an end-to-end property management for your asset. A professional company to take care of the usual routines, common checks, fixing, handling, renter services – and everything else you might need while you own a living property; and who’s better to do it than the company who built the asset and know every curve and brick of it?! WE ARE!

Whether you’re close by or miles apart – we make sure your new asset is Safe & Sound

24/7/365 and even during a leap year!

• We will notify all of our clients once we are offering these services.
In the meantime, we will gladly recommend you a highly professional company to take care of that for you, one that we trust and use ourselves for all of our properties.

B. More than More

In addition to fluent management – we can also offer you all the additional services you may need when handling your new asset; ranging from Insurance Services to Accountancy, Bookkeeping, Lawyers and business advisors…

Our goal is to offer you everything you might need in the process, so you can have the

easiest and clearest experience with your investment.


About Administration process

Three parties take a part in the process; the client (the buyer), Michigan State Owl (the seller) – and an escrow company (third party).

An escrow company is a professional and certified neutral entity that ascertains the process of the deal is legitimate and with the right permissions, documents and authorizations. It’s mostly here for the buyer’s sake (that’s you!) – In this phase, the escrow company does most of the work – and the client just needs to go over the details, sign on the papers and make a small earnest deposit payment.

It is very important to use a known and professional escrow company – to adhere and uphold the legal protocol with the highest standards.


Step 1
Both sides sign an acquisition agreement (buyer & seller)
Step 2
The seller transfers the signed agreement to the escrow company. The company then validates and the details, documents and agreements of both parties.
Step 3
A few (agreed in advance) days later – the buyer transfers the agreed amount of earnest deposit to the escrow company.
Step 4
When the authentication is completed, the escrow company announces the parties and sets a closure meeting (document signing meeting).
Step 5
The signing is made in a neutral environment – at the escrow company office or online, and after everything is finalized and signed, the keys are handed to the buyer – and a bottle of champagne is opened! (We were not kidding about the fun part…)

Once the purchase has been completed to the buyer’s full satisfaction,
we can proceed:

Signing a Management Company Contract
(this is only optional, of course.)

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Signing an Insurance Agreement
(this is also optional…)

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